Overcome Emotional Eating and Other Unhealthy Eating Habits

Dr Lyn understands the struggles faced by people who eat emotionally and people with higher weight because she has overcome emotional and binge eating herself. Managing weight isn't just about following another diet. Dr Lyn's experience, PhD research, and client outcomes have shown that lasting change requires creating mental space to change unhealthy eating habits.

Creating Mental Space

Creating space in your mind is like giving your brain a chance to breathe and reset. Neuroscientists have discovered that our habits are controlled by two main systems in the brain: one that triggers automatic responses and another that helps us make intentional choices. When we create mental space, we allow our brain to shift from automatic pilot to intentional action. This process, known as neuroplasticity, helps the brain form new neural pathways and let go of old habitual pathways. By learning to pause and reflect, we can disrupt our unhealthy habits and make room for healthier habits to take root. It's like clearing out the weeds to make space for a beautiful new garden. (Psst....You are that gardener: you just don't know it yet ;-))

Dr Lyn's 3-step Process

Dr Lyn's simple 3-step process harnesses the power of mindfulness and mindful eating. It teaches you how to create mental space by showing you how to identify and let go of the mental clutter that prevents you from adopting healthier habits. Once you have learned to create this space, you can more easily implement the changes needed to improve your health and manage your weight effectively.

Transform Your Habits

Dr Lyn’s 3-step process will teach you how to:

  • Identify unhealthy habits.

  • Transform your unhealthy habits with mindfulness and mindful eating.

  • Generate the “aha” moments that motivate healthier choices.

Real Life Applications.

To help you create the space for change, Dr Lyn will guide you in transforming the following 3 well-known habits that lead to weight gain. When you learn how to create mental space, you will be able to transform:

  • Eating everything on your plate until you are bloated, tired and uncomfortable INTO eating until you feel satisfied, energised and comfortable.

  • Skipping meals out of habit INTO eating enough to nourish and fuel your mind, body, and spirit.

  • Snacking/grazing/compulsive eating when you don't really "want to" INTO eating when you choose to or need to, i.e., you wish to "treat" yourself or because your body needs the energy and the nutrients.