What is Healthy Eating?
Access via membership site: This course takes you through the essentials of healthy eating and how to apply them to your current lifestyle.
This video will walk you through how to use this platform
You can access the course resources, such as your guided meditations on an app!
Australian Guide to Healthy Eating Overview
What are the five food groups?
Why do we need to concern ourselves with the five food groups?
The Fantastic Versatility of the AGTHE!
How this chapter is structured!
So how do you use the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating?
Attentive Weight Management Food Group serves
How to structure the five food groups across your day!
No need for a diary!
50% if you sort of want a diary!
100% If you really want a diary!
How much food to put on your plate. Plating-Up Fact Sheet
Dr Lyn walks you through what food groups and portions sizes to aim for when plating up a healthy meal
Glycemic Index
The Glycemic Index (GI) and how to choose GI foods
How to make Healthy Meals Fact Sheet
How to improve the health of your meals :-)